How Soon Can You DNA Test
A Baby After Birth?

paternity testing the hospital

How old does a baby have to be for a DNA test?

The question is, How soon can you DNA test a baby after birth? Is a question that has been asked by many people over the years inquiring about performing a paternity test after a mother has recently given birth. The important thing for people to understand about performing a paternity test with a newborn is, There is no set age for your child to be tested in any law that we are aware of nationwide. A paternity test can literally be performed a day after your child is born if, the hospital gives a clean bill of health to your child.

There is one thing you will need to consider if you would like to perform a paternity test on a newborn or, a very young child. It is important for parents to consider how they would like to have their samples collected. Here are the two most used options at your disposal. The options are a buccal swab DNA sample collection or, a blood DNA sample collection. The main difference between the two is simple. The blood sample collection has pain and the buccal swab sample collection does not. Also, The obvious difference between the testing options are the instruments used to acquire DNA samples.

Related Questions

How long does it take to get a DNA test result after birth?

The average turnaround time for a standard paternity test with an alleged father and child or alleged father, mother, and child can range between 1 to 3 business days. 

Please note, The testing of your DNA samples does not begin on the day your samples are collected.  All DNA samples must be shipped to the DNA Parentage Laboratory after your samples are collected.  On the day the lab receives all of your samples. The testing process will begin. If you would like to learn more about DNA relationship testing services. Please do not hesitate to contact our office today at 347-735-5490 to coordinate an appointment today.

How soon can you DNA test a baby before birth?

Performing a paternity test before the birth of a child is possible. There are a few options that you can choose from based on your specific situation. The first option is a Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is an option which will require the assistance of the mother’s O B G Y N.  Please note, This is not a stand-alone process for paternity testing purposes. Your O B G Y N will consult with the mother on performing a CVS first. This option can be performed as early as the 11th week into a mother’s pregnancy. Normally, when considering performing this procedure. An O B G Y N has identified a possible problem. If this is your situation and there is a question about paternity during this time. This option may work for you. Remember CVS procedures, do have some risk.

Once you and your O B G Y N agree to perform the CVS procedure and, you need to determine paternity during this time. Please contact I D T O and we will work with your O B G Y N and discuss the best method of shipping the amniotic or cultured cell samples to the laboratory. The average cost for this type of prenatal paternity test ranges from $500.00 to $800.00.  The paternity test itself is not covered by insurance but the cost of your CVS is normally covered by insurance. Please consult with your OBGYN regarding insurance coverage.

The second option is an Amniocentesis. This procedure is a prenatal test like the CVS procedure. This process, depending on your situation is considered to be the safer option between the two. An amniocentesis can be performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. Again, once the mother and her OBGYN agree that amniocentesis is necessary and, you want to determine the paternity of your unborn fetus. Please contact I D T O and we will work with your OBGYN and discuss the best method of shipping the amniotic or cultured cell samples to the laboratory. The average cost for this type of prenatal paternity test ranges from $500 to $800.00.  The paternity test itself is not covered by insurance but the cost of your CVS is normally covered by insurance. Please consult with your OBGYN regarding insurance coverage. Remember, This procedure also has some risk.

Both of the above options are known as invasive prenatal testing options that can be used to determine paternity in the event an OBGYN identifies a possible genetic concern.  Remember, most if not all OBGYN ‘s will not perform either of these procedures alone for paternity testing purposes due to the possible risk involved with invasive options. It is also important to note, an amniocentesis risk of miscarriages are 1 in 400. For CVS, the risk of miscarriage is 1 in 100. Please consult with your OBGYN about further risks and statistics.

Does IDTO offer non-invasive prenatal paternity testing services?

Currently, We do not offer this service but, In the coming months, we will offer this service for those in need.

Can a hospital do a DNA test when the baby is born?

As we currently understand it. Most, If not all hospitals do not perform DNA testing services for the purposes of providing proof of relationship to the general public.

In most cases, an alleged father or mother will usually research online themselves to find a DNA Paternity Testing facility near their home. In the event, that a person inquires about DNA relationship testing services at a hospital. Please expect the hospital to refer you to a DNA testing company like IDTO DNA Paternity Testing Center.